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Pajamas Media » My Fellow Conservatives, Let's Be Bad Guys!

Pajamas Media » My Fellow Conservatives, Let's Be Bad Guys! Stephen Green writes: "No matter what we do, we're painted as the villains. So let's twirl our mustaches and get to work.... "We cannot buy our way into friendship in...

Wonder Land - Hatin' Palin

Wonder Land - Hatin' Palin "If as Joe Biden suggests the U.S. is likely to be tested by a foreign enemy next year, who of the following would you rather have dealing with it in the Oval Office: Nancy...

The Unturned Page by The Editors on National Review Online

"This is the deeper political import of his relationship with Bill Ayers and the Rev. Wright. For all his talk about change, Obama has been far better at adapting to the environments in which he finds himself. In Chicago,...

Hot Air: Dems go to opposite extreme on war funding

Hot Air: Dems go to opposite extreme on war funding "Nancy Pelosi has decided to push through a supplemental war-funding bill that will keep operations in Iraq going until 2009, without withdrawal timetables.... MoveOn says that Democrats have no choice...

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